Newsletter- March 2011
Are you a disciple for Christ?
In the past few months the Lord has been opening doors for us to be able to share with municipal, state, and regional leaders here in Honduras. Jesus was always involved in the lives of the people in the communities where he traveled. A disciple of Christ should be involved in their community. The Lord wants us to reach out to our neighbors and to those who live in our city.
The members of the congregation in Siguatepeque are attempting to fulfill the calling of being a disciple.
The men of the congregation have become involved in prison ministries. Chuck was invited by a friend of his who is a Supreme Court justice, to begin preaching in the federal penitentiary in Comayagua. The brethren will be visiting the local prison several times each month.
As some of you know, a few months ago, Chuck was elected to be the president of the Siguatepeque Municipal Security Committee. This has opened doors for him to be able to preach to hundreds of people about Jesus Christ and His commandments to us as Christians. It has also given him opportunities to become close friends with men who are in authority over the entire nation. For example, last week he had the opportunity to preach to a group of about 150 people who are the elected leaders of the 105 communities and barrios that comprise the municipality of Siguatepeque. The next day he was invited to be a part of the directing council for community development that is working in 3 different municipalities: Siguatepeque, Yoro, and ?Sta. Barbara. He is working with them in getting each community to provide volunteers to be trained in community security against delinquency and gang-related violence. Yesterday, he had a meeting with the governor of the state of Comayagua. He was able to share with her both the Biblical and Honduran Constitutional basis for each citizen taking care of their families and neighbors. She was very excited about the Biblical basis for being armed and community security. The national minister of security has stated that he wants to begin implementing this or similar programs in all of the cities nation-wide. Last night Chuck talked with the second-in-command for the National Police for the tri-state region of Comayagua, La Paz, and Intibuca. (For those of you who were asked to pray for the situation where he was removed because he was stopping the bribery and corruption that was taking place with his bosses- the Lord has answered our prayers. He is now in charge of his bosses who were corrupt and we now have a police commissioner here in Siguatepeque that not only is honest, but is a very good Christian man.)
Each week the men gather to pray for each others’ families, our church family, the leaders of our country, the brethren in the States, and for guidance. The neighborhood in which most of us live, just built a kindergarten/preschool building. There have been problems with vandalism and attempted robbery in this new building. Chuck got the men from the community together as part of the community security committee. Four men from church and others in the community have volunteered to take turns guarding the school at night. Each night watch consists of two men. The four brethren take the opportunity to testify of Christ and His goodness to those who are involved in this service.
This little school will be opening in February. Regina has volunteered to teach English for an hour twice a week to the children in the school. We pray that this will open up more opportunities to share the gospel with families and invite them to come to church.
The church ladies have implemented a monthly visiting program for the Siguatepeque old folks’ home. Each month the entire congregation goes to the home and puts on a service. The children’s and teenagers’ Sunday school classes bring ministry. Then Chuck preaches for about 15 minutes. Afterwards, the church ladies provide snacks for everyone. The ladies are also collecting used clothing for prisoners for the brethren to take when they go to preach in the penitentiary.
What are you doing for Jesus Christ to show that you are a disciple?
As disciples we need to reach out to our family as well as our community. About 4 months ago, sister Elba asked to have baptismal classes in her home. She invited her daughter, two grandchildren, and her son to participate. Every Monday night Chuck and one of our children go to her home to give classes. Elba’s daughter Yulissa is now coming to church on a regular basis and bringing her two sons. This is a big step for Yulissa. She has never had a relationship with the Lord. Elba’s son, Gustavo, is also coming on a regular basis. Sister Elba invited another family to join the class. There are 5 individuals from this one class that are in the process of becoming members!

Sister Elba, Yulissa, Diego, and Fernando
One evening after church service, another sister asked Chuck if she could be baptized. Her name is Toribia Madrid and she is one of the oldest individuals that attend our congregation. She now has weekly baptismal. Please pray for this sister. A couple of years ago, she had a hip replacement. Now her hip causes her a lot of pain. Sometimes she can’t even walk the couple of hundred feet to the church building. She would appreciate your prayers for God’s blessing. Pray that she has the strength and ability to physically enter the waters of baptism.
At this time there are 3 individuals who have asked to be baptized.
Please continue to remember the Pentecostal church where Chuck has been giving the missionary series “Gospel of the Kingdom” for the past year. They accept ALL the doctrines of the Kingdom except… They accept that there can be other books of Scripture besides the Bible, but they have doubts about the Book of Mormon.
The family of Sister Elba, that they will enter into a relationship with the Lord.
Pray for sister Toribia, for health and for her baptism.
We ask you to continue to remember our son, Charles, and our daughter, Elizabeth as they study and work in the States.
For the Sperry family’s physical safety.
For the congregation of Siguatepeque as they try to reach out and be a witness of Jesus Christ.
For the members of the Pentecostal church where Chuck has been preaching for the past year. Pray that one of them will have a dream convincing them that the Book of Mormon is true. Once that happens, others will follow.

The Sperrys: Timothy, Chuck, Joshua, Tikva, Regina, and Hanah
Tell me brother worn and weary toiling o’er life’s path way dim, are you shedding light for Jesus, are you witnessing for Him? Are you seeking for the sinners, those whom Jesus died to win? Are you pointing to the fountain that can wash away their sin?
“Are You Witnessing for Him?” Hymns of the Restoration #430
Newsletter- July 2011
Newsletter- November 2011
The training of the national police and security teams for neighborhoods is an ongoing ministry for Timothy and I. A couple of weeks ago, the mayor of Siguatepeque, the police commissioner and I went back into the mountains to a community named Santa Rosita. They have been having problems with strangers coming into their community and stealing things. The mayor wants to put a stop to this problem before it gets out of hand. He has asked me to train the men of the community so that they can form a security committee. This Saturday we had 31 men in our home. These men not only are trained how to patrol, detain suspects and shoot, but we teach them that they need to have a personal relationship with the Lord. I tell them that every time we patrol or detain a suspect we are risking our lives. But, even more importantly, if we are killed, we are risking our souls being in hell if we don’t have Jesus as our savior. They are trained to pray before and after each patrol. Each session begins and ends with prayer. The men themselves volunteer to give these prayers. We ask you to pray for the safety for the city of Siguatepeque and for the country of Honduras.
For ten years I have been inviting a friend, Manuel Rios, to come to church. He has always responded, “Someday.” For years, whenever we would visit the family, his wife would go to another room or leave the house. Now that don Manuel and I have patrolled together for a couple of years in our neighborhood security committee that has all changed. His wife is always there to greet me when I come to the home. Two weeks ago I invited don Manuel to come to church. Again, he responded, “Someday.” We continued talking and he mentioned that a lot of pastors have invited him to go to church with them, but that he always told them, “No thanks.” I then mentioned that there was still hope for us because he had never told me “no”, rather that someday he would come to church with us. He laughed and agreed with me that there was still hope that he would attend church with us. I then asked if he and his wife would like to have Scripture classes. They both said yes! We have had two classes with them. They have been very good. This last class, their two grown children attended. Please pray for Don Manuel and his family, that they will be consistent with the classes and that they will have a hunger for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Remember the lady from the post office, Claudia? We shared in the last newsletter that we have begun classes with her. The class has increased from one student to four. Claudia’s daughter, niece and nephew are now attending in the classes. Moncho, Claudia’s husband has been a nonbeliever for as long as she can remember. About a month ago, Moncho had a heart attack. It scared him enough that he is now looking into who Jesus Christ is. Please pray for Moncho. Pray that he will overcome the pressures of people at work who influence him in the wrong ways. Pray that this family will be able to worship the Lord Jesus Christ together.
There is a young lady who has been attending church now for about two years. She has mentioned that she wanted to begin classes for baptism. About this time, she was hired for a new job. This work has made it almost impossible for her to go to church. We began to pray as a church for Lillian. Our prayer was that her boss would give her Sundays off so that she could worship at least this one day with us. Chuck felt led to go to her boss and talk with him. The next Sunday Lillian was at church. Praise the Lord! Her boss gave her Sundays off. Wow!
We spoke about the cobblers last time. Classes are still going strong with them. I took them three Books of Mormon this last week. Each of them asked if they could have one and are now reading it.
Our daughter Christina wrote an article in the last newsletter. She has become quite ill these past few months. We were told by the doctors here that we should take her to the States to get testing and treatment. Regina and Christina will be making a trip to the States in December. We ask for your prayers for Christina’s health. Pray that we will find the right doctors that will be able to help her. Pray for our family as we are apart. There will be a lot of responsibility added to those staying in Honduras. Keep praying for them please.
Sister Elba’s son Gustavo is attending regularly at church. He would appreciate your prayers as he is studying and working at the same time. He is able to come to church on Saturday and Sunday evenings. It is so hard sometimes for young people. Please pray for him that he will have his newly developing relationship with the Lord strengthened.
Rachel Caldwell has been in our home for the past few months. Her father Hugh is here in Honduras taking Spanish lessons. Rachel has been helping at a bilingual school. She enjoys sharing with the students and teachers. She is also going to participate in a church drama that we are preparing. We will tell you about that in the next newsletter.
Connie Sperry had a garage sale this last summer. It brought in some needed funds for the work here. We want to thank her for all of her hard work and thank all of you for your prayers for this event. We also want to thank those of you who donated and purchased items. Many thanks to those who volunteered their time. It was truly a blessing.
One of the most powerful expressions of life is to show the glory of God in all that we do. Everything created by God reflects His glory in one way or another. Are we reflecting His glory in our lives? Everything within us should honor Him. The words we say, the things we listen to, our thoughts, even the things we see. Our lives need to reflect Jesus Christ.
The transformation of this world begins with changing ourselves for the Glory of God. Let us do all for Him.
Hey, do any of you have questions about what it is like to live in Honduras? You are welcome to write your questions and send them to the Sperry kids. They will try their best to answer them. Email your questions to: We will put your questions and the Sperry kids answers in the next newsletter.
Our son, Charles Sperry V, writes poetry and Christian songs. We would like to include one of his poems in this newsletter.
“My hope is that you might be touched by the message, and that the lines you may find here will inspire you to rally to the ones already drawn in blood on our Saviour’s back.”
Charles Sperry V
Only One
One step. One pace.
One fleeting shudder.
One prayer for grace,
Once done- another.
This is how it all begins.
One life. One way.
One chance to matter.
One stand today,
Once turned- they scatter.
This is where the soul is steeled.
One heart. One power.
One fire to heal us.
One death this hour
Once dead, reveals us.
This- the measure of our faith. CSS 2011
A poem by Charles Sperry V, son of Chuck and Regina. If you would like to read more of his poetry you can find it at
Prayer Requests
Friends of ours, Nathan and Mallori Diener, a missionary couple who returned to the States. Pray for them as they settle in and as they grow in the Lord.
Our children Charles and Elizabeth as they study in college. They will now be at College of the Ozarks together.
The new ministry being brought to the city of Siguatepeque through training of security committees.
The new class with don Manuel’s family.
Sister Claudia, her husband Moncho and family as they develop their relationship with the Lord.
Our daughter Christina’s health issues.
Lilian and her family as they seek to know more about the gospel.
Gustavo, Elba’s son as he tries to have a closer walk with the Lord.