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Newsletter- February 2007


Testimony of Briselda Mejia:


Dear Brothers and Sisters.  My name is Briselda Mejia Amaya.  I want to share how marvelous and wonderful our Lord is.  I was baptized when I was twelve years old.  As a young lady I left home and went to the city to work.  While there I came to know the father of my children.  I walked away from the Lord’s path.  My life was a mess.  One day after having my third child, I decided to look for the Lord again.


My children began to go to Sunday school with Brother Carlos Sperry.  I would attend from time to time.  I asked Brother Carlos if he could come to my house and teach me more about the gospel.  My husband was not interested.  Sometimes he would hide when Brother Carlos would come to our home.  After a year of classes, I asked my husband to please come.  He began to attend.  He did not like them.


My oldest son, Oscar,  was having a lot of problems in school.  He did not pass first grade.  Sister Regina Sperry asked if she could come each week and help him with his school work.  Oscar was able to pass first grade.  My husbands heart began to soften.


The Lord is good.  He brought Brother Carlos and Sister Regina into our lives.  They have been like angels sent by God.  Imagine spending seven years teaching the gospel to my family, and finally something wonderful happened!


At the Family Camp in January 2007, my husband and son, Oscar, were baptized.  I just want to praise the Lord!  His mercy has been shown to us.  My hope that one day we would be united in the church has come true!


Now we will be able to take the Lord’s Supper together.  We live a long way from church, so we do not go regularly.  Pray that now we will go as a family.  I was so happy.  I could not sleep the night after my husband was baptized.


Now my husband is learning how to teach our family about the scriptures.  We pray as a family.  Now you see how wonderful the Lord has been to us.  Please pray for the Church here in Honduras.  God Bless You.


Your Sister In Christ,

Briselda Mejia


We would like to share some of the highlights of the Family Camp.  First and foremost, there was a baptismal service Sunday morning.  Three individuals were born anew.  Praise the Lord!


Classes were held for the children.  The youth were taught by Charles Sperry (son).  The youth also performed a musical drama of the life of Christ.  They did a very good job. 


As the weekend progressed Patricia Castillo began to see her prayers had not been in vain.  She has been praying for her husband for some time.  He has not been going to church on a regular basis for several years.


In camp her husband participated by asking questions in class.  He had the family set up front for most of the gatherings.  He even participated in the drama of Christ.  He played the part of Jesus.


Please pray for Patricia and her family.  Pray that the good work begun in her husband will continue.  The Lord is faithful!


During camp the church body was introduced to Patriarch Vernon Darling.  This was the first time that we know of that a Patriarch has come to Honduras.  Patriarchal Blessings were performed at the camp and the following week after camp.  There were a total of about eleven people who received their blessings.  Many of the recipients were touched by the Holy Spirit.


A Note of Encouragement: 

A Hymn


He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater,

He sendeth more strength when the labors increase.

To added affliction He addeth His mercy,

To multiplied trials, His multiplied peace.



His love has no limit,

His grace has no measure.

His power has no boundary known unto men.

For out of His infinite riches in Jesus, He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again!


When we have exhausted our store of endurance,

When our strength has failed ere the day is half done,

When we reach the end of our hoarded resources,

Our Father’s full giving is only begun.


God bless each of you.  May His loving hands hold you and keep you.

Chuck & Regina Sperry and family.




1.  The ministers and church body of Honduras

2.  Patricia Castillo’s family

3.  Briselda Mejia’s family

4.  That those who received their Patriarchal blessing will be faithful to their calling.


Sperry Family Financial Report October-December 2006


October                                         November                                    December

Income 1,000                                      1,03l.76                                               813.02


Shelter  114.11                                    87.43                                                   112.90


Clothing  0.00                                     0.00                                                     0.00


Food   384.87                                      479.30                                                 483.15


Personal  12.03                                    6.05                                                     12.71

& school


Medical  265.75                                  21.14                                                   .42


Transportation 198.05                         139.69                                                 125.47


Taxes   0.00                                         167.68                                                 16.41


Misc Nec  26.32                                  52.26                                                   81.68


Tithe       100.00                                  103.18                                                 73.16


Misc Un  4.24                                     2.58                                                     16.35



Newsletter- June 2007


Newsletter- August 2007


Dear Friends,


We greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, praying that His hand is upon each of you.  For many months Chuck has been sharing the gospel with several individuals.  In October there will be some baptisms.  In el Progreso several families are participating in the church services held there.  Three people have asked for baptism.  There will also be two baby blessings.  There are several others in el Progreso that are receiving classes.  Some of these individuals want to continue classes before they are baptized.


Chuck gives each person who wants to be baptized, classes over the fundamental doctrines of the church.  We use a program very similar to “I will build my Church”.  The candidates must also realize and understand subjects such as:  authority, Zion, sanctification, and why the church uses the Book of Mormon.  These subjects are taught over a period of several months.  After the baptism in water, classes continue to be taught until each person understands priesthood and church member responsibilities.


In Siguatepeque there are several families that are also receiving classes.  There are four who have asked to be baptized, but only two are ready at this time.  We ask that you continue to pray for these individuals that are receiving classes. 


Twenty-two members of the Siguatepeque branch went to visit a village called las Delicias on Aug 26th.  There is a family there that asked us to go and have church services.  The drive took about two hours.  There were approximately twenty-four people from las Delicias present that Sunday morning.  We had a church service and Sunday school classes for adults, youth, and children.  The individuals from las Delicas provided lunch for everyone.  Sharing with this group was enjoyable.  Please pray for the village of las Delicias.  We will continue to visit there from time to time in hopes that a mission will be established.



My name is Elizabeth Sperry.  I am 17 years old and I would like to share with you the wonderful things that the Lord is doing.  Since I was very young, God has given me the opportunity and desire to share the gospel with children.  When I was nine years old, I was asked to teach a Sunday school class in a village where my dad was giving church services.  I was pleased to be able to teach a class of 20-25 children.  A young lady from the congregation would sit in on the classes.  She learned how to give the classes and was given the responsibility to teach the children when my family made a trip to the United States. 


A few years later I was asked again to teach a Sunday school class in a town near Lake Yojoa.  This time reaching out to the children was rather difficult.  Many of the children in the town were not interested in receiving classes. There were other things that attracted their attention, so my class was small.  There were about 15 children who came.  After two years my family and I visited the States for about 3 months.  My father asked a couple of the ministers that live about a half an hour from there to visit the mission once a week.  They said that they would, but only one of them visited there during the entire time that we were gone and he only visited it once.  Another minister that lives only fifteen minutes from there volunteered to visit them on a regular basis also, but he never visited them at all.  When we got back, the mission was dead.  The people felt that if no one really cared enough to visit them then why continue to have classes.


Two months ago a neighbor girl came to visit us.  She had attended previous church school classes that my Mom had given in our home on Sunday afternoons several years ago.  One day while she was visiting she asked us if we could give Sunday school classes again.  She said that she would be willing to go with me and invite the children of the neighborhood.  We agreed on a day and went together inviting children to come to Sunday afternoon classes.  This time it would be myself and Tikva, my sister who would be teaching the classes.   We have anywhere from 15-25 children come to class.  They all seem to be so eager to learn new stories and songs.  We have a scripture story, an art page, sing songs, and then we go outside and play.  Everyone has a good time. I hope that one day some of these children will accept Christ and want to be baptized.


Recently I began to pray to the Lord and ask Him to provide work for me.  I wanted to save money for college and help my family financially.  The very next day a neighbor lady came and asked me if I could tutor her son who was in second grade during summer break.  When he began school I no longer tutored him.  A week passed and I heard that there was position open at a bilingual school.  The teacher that they had lined up to come from the United States was not able to come.  I interviewed for the job and am now teaching English to preschool and kindergarten children weekday mornings.  Afternoons, because I am home-schooled, I spend doing my own schoolwork.  The job does not pay very much.  I get $250.00 a month, but it helps the family and I will be able to save some money in order to go to the States to study. 


I would like to get a degree in teaching English as a second language.  God is our provider.  I am grateful that he not only heard my prayers, but has answered them also.  God bless each of you as you serve Him.



Prayer Requests:

Pray for the mission in El Progreso

Pray for the people in las Delicias

Pray for the church here in Siguatepeque

Pray for the church body here in Honduras

Pray for Elizabeth and Charles as they prepare and plan for what the Lord wants them to do in the near future.

Pray for the Sperry vehicle as it needs repairs so they can continue to use it.




Financial report from the Sperry Family May-August 2008


                        May                             June                             July                  August


Income                        $2040.81                     2000.00                      304.72            2213.23

Shelter             $   22.24                         138.22                       115.66              154.28

Food                $ 545.75                         572.69                      507.86             521.08

Clothing          $   51.16                             0.00                           0.00               47.67

Pers./school     $ 306.32                           11.36                         82.06               63.52

Medical           $ 111.50                           20.43                         13.22               42.35

Transp.            $ 395.57                         271.10                      298.43             687.96

Taxes               $     0.00                             31.1                           0.00                 0.00

Misc. Nec.       $   33.18                           54.57                         43.94                  9.85

Tithe                $ 204.28                         204.81                         26.67             221.32

Misc. Unnec.  $   11.14                              4.50                         96.21                  6.89


TOTALS:       $ 359.67                          691.22                      -879.33              458.31


FOUR MONTH TOTAL:   $ 629.87


This $629.87 is what we are using to live on for the month of September.  Thank you.



Newsletter- October 2007


Newsletter- December 2007


Dear Friends,


We would like to say hello and greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  We pray that you had a blessed holiday season with family and friends.  Here in Honduras most of the people enjoy their holiday by eating tamales, corn cakes swimming in sweet cane syrup, and sweet breads.  Each family has their own traditions.  Some do very little if nothing, because they have little money.  A lot of people spend time traveling by bus or car visiting relatives.


We were able to share Thanksgiving with a family from Peru and another man from the United States.  He has 5 children and was married to a Honduran woman who left him a short while ago.  He nor his children attend any church.  The man’s father was a member of the Mormon church.  Pray that we will be able to continue to witness to these two families.


For you children, most of the kids here in Honduras have a two month vacation during December and January.  This is the time for coffee picking.  Some of the children as young as 8 years old go out to the coffee fields and pick coffee in order to make money.  Many children have fun with friends and family while on vacation.  The Honduran children have many things to keep them occupied.  They may play soccer, marbles, jacks, or play with a jump rope.  The Lord has blessed you to have been born into a family in the Untied States.  You have more in your house and toys in your toy box than most children in the world.  Remember to be thankful to the Lord for your blessings.  Remember above all that the things you have are not near as important as what is inside of you.  Have you invited Jesus into your heart?   I hope you have.  May God bless you as you grow.  Our prayer is that you will come to know the Lord as your best friend.


Chuck is gone to a city in the north coast of Honduras called el Progreso.  He will be there for three days.  There has been a mission there for the past several years.  It is now considered a congregation.  Brother Juan Argueta has been giving church services when Chuck has not been present.  Chuck goes there every two weeks for 3 days.  Sometimes he may travel there to spend more time with the church families that live there.  We ask you to pray for Brother Juan.  He was put in the hospital with pneumonia.  Brother Juan is the “father figure” of this group of saints.  Pray that he will have a speedy recovery.


We have been sharing with a certain family for 1 year.  A brother and his two sisters.  They are young adults.  Two weeks ago they announced at church that they would like everyone to pray and fast for their mother.  They want her to be able to rejoice in knowing the gospel.  We have been praying for her to have the desire and that she would come to the class that Chuck gives the family once a week.  Last week their mother was present in the class.  They have asked us to put them as a family on the prayer list.  Please remember them as Gustavo’s family.  Pray that they will make the step to enter into the waters of baptism.  Gustavo has brought another man to church who is now coming regularly.


At this time we would like to share a song that the Lord gave to our daughter Elizabeth.  We pray that this will uplift you and give you hope in the race that is before you.  May we all be partakers of the precious fruit from the Tree of Life that our brother Lehi saw ever so long ago.


We’re Soldiers in the Trenches:


We are soldiers fighting in the battles, fighting in the trenches of Life.

Not for ourselves, but for the truth, and for the Holy one Jesus Christ our Lord.

We’ve taken many blows. The foe is on all sides.  It seems all hope is lost,

With the few that we have left we fight for all we’re worth, waiting and trusting in the Lord



We are soldiers of the cross, fighting with the angels of God, knowing and trusting that the Lord will bring to us the victory.


Praying for strength to go on, crying for backup we don’t have, the church of the Lord is under siege.  People are falling and dying without the Lord.

We need men who will fight for the truth and not ignore sin.

Even when the road is hard, we will fight until the end knowing we will win for the Lord is on our side.





God bless you,


Yours in Christ,

Chuck and Regina Sperry and Family

Prayer Requests:


  1. Pray for Charles our oldest son who is preparing to go to college. 

  2. Pray that the Lord will move the people to serve Him with all their hearts.

  3. Pray for our oldest daughter Elizabeth who is teaching English as a second language to a group of kindergarten children, that she will be able to share the Lord Jesus with them.

  4. Pray that God will send us men who will be strong laborers for Christ.

  5. Please keep brother Juan in your prayers.

  6. Pray for the various people who we have been sharing with.



We ask that you continually remember this family in your prayers and that you consider their financial needs.  If the Lord moves you to help support them financially, you may send contributions to:  Family Outreach P.O. Box 22, Independence, MO 64051

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